Saturday, November 15, 2014

Christmas prep

I hope that title hasn't given anyone heart palpitations; it's just that I'm feeling slightly more on top of things than usual for a change in preparing for this year's holiday gift bags. (I'm sure it won't last, so I have to enjoy it while I can.) This is mainly because, a few weeks ago, one of my Canberra friends alerted me to the fact that my local Big W was stocking Ball canning jars. I made a beeline into Civic, and secured both the 4 oz/120 g (the ideal size for cramming into a well-stocked goody bag) and the 8 oz/240 g sizes at a good price - definitely more than I would have paid in the US, but much, much cheaper than getting them shipped from a supplier in Melbourne, which has been my only option up to now. Replenishing my jar stockpile coincided with the return of jam-worthy fruits to the farmers' market, and I've got a couple of batches of strawberry and strawberry-rhubarb jam lined up and waiting for December. And I'm trying out a new combo this weekend - more on that tomorrow, I hope.

1 comment:

  1. Another belated comment! - You may have already checked out the different suppliers, but I’ve been buying jars directly from Ball Mason Aust, located in NSW for $20/doz for 1/2 pt jars. And for shipping, my most recent order of 3 doz 1/2 pt plus 1 doz pt jars was $20 - so $100 for 4 doz jars incl shipping, which seemed pretty reasonable to me though still may be very overpriced by US standards...
